Tigers room and Kiwis room
Children of all ages can play and learn with and alongside each other for certain periods of the day while at other times, separate daily group experiences provide the time to meet specific curriculum requirements for infants, toddlers and young children.

KiwiLearners Full Day Programmme
An all day programme of care and education for young children aged 1 year to 5 years who stay unaccompanied by their parent or caregiver.
KiwiLearners Full Time:
KiwiLearners Half Day Programme
Daily sessions especially for children aged 1 year to 5 years who can stay in the centre unaccompanied by their parent or caregiver.
KiwiLearners Half day:
KiwiLearners Playgroup
KiwiLearners Playgroup is especially for children who attend with their parent/s or a caregiver for two-hour sessions of fun and learning.
KiwiLearners Playgroup:
Children with diverse needs
Children with diverse needs include children with special education needs or special abilities. KiwiLearners works with parents and families to provide for children’s particular attributes and capabilities within the context of group care in the centre.