Care of children
KiwiLearners provides high teacher to child ratios:
Every child is given:
KiwiLearners provides nutritious lunch and snacks each day. Clean Mineral Water is always available.
A qualified cook prepares the weekly menu of healthy and appetizing meals especially planned to meet young children’s needs.
Please provide information about your child’s dietary requirements, for example, food intolerances and allergies, attenrolment.
MONDAY | Pancake Fresh fruits |
Tomato rice Potato paratas |
Steamed vegetables omelette |
Crackers Fresh fruits |
TUESDAY | Corn balls Fresh fruits |
Dhal and steamed rice French bombay toast |
Steamed vegetables | Crackers Fresh fruits |
WEDNESDAY | Chickpea sundal Fresh fruits |
Chicken briyani Cabbage and onion adai |
Steamed vegetables | Crackers Fresh fruits |
THURSDAY | Cold boost Fresh Fruits |
Semoline porridge with veges Beetroot paratas |
Paneer sticks Steamed vegetables |
Crackers Fresh Fruits |
FRIDAY | Soya cutlet Fresh fruits |
Tomato pasta Vegetable pikilets |
Fish cutlet Steamed vegetables |
Crackers Fresh fruits |
Sleeping and rest
A sleeping room offers individual beds and bedding for young children who need to recharge during the day. Your key teacher will discuss your child’s rest routine with you. We supervise sleeping children and the records of sleep times with parents.
Older children attending full days have a quiet time to relax and rest during the day so they can gather their strength for the rest of their day.
Care and hygiene practices
Children have access to hygienic toileting facilities. The teachers support each child to learn good habits and independence with routine toileting and hand washing techniques. When children are toilet training, staff will support efforts being made at home. Please discuss these with your key teacher. Please make sure you send plenty of changes of clothing during this time for your child.
Nappy changing is carried out in response to individual children’s requirements. This approach is complemented by a regular nappy changing roster system. Parents need to supply sufficient disposable nappies for their child’s day.
Your child’s clothing and footwear must be clearly named. Because play and exploration can often be wet or messy, children need to be dressed in appropriate play clothes with easy fastenings where possible so that they can learn to change their clothes and toilet independently. It is a good idea to name all clothing and footware and to pack spare clothes and a sunhat in their bag everyday. We recommend you apply sun block and insect repellant to your child before the start of each day.
Guiding positive behaviour and social competence
KiwiLearners supports children’s developing social competence. KiwiLearners places importance on respecting and protecting each child’s dignity and sense of self worth. Teachers support children to acknowledge and express their feelings in instances of differing opinion, inappropriate actions, or frustrations.
Teachers support children to develop their social competence by:

Child health
Any child who is unwell needs to be kept at home so illness does not spread through KiwiLearners. Children with severe coughs or colds, vomiting, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, rashes, or raised temperature cannot attend the centre. If a child becomes unwell during their day at the centre we will contact parents to arrange for the immediate collection of the child. We will keep them comfortable in an area away from the other children until they are collected by parent or caregiver.
Please advise your key teacher if your child is taking any medication. All medicines kept on the premises are located in an area inaccessible to children. Parents will need to sign a medication book specifying the dosage and giving permission for teachers to administer the medication. Teachers record any medications they administer in the medication book.
The centre has 2 first aid kits in each room which are used to treat injury or emergencies.
Immunisation status
A copy of your child’s immunisation status is required when you enrol your child. In the case of an outbreak of disease to which your child has not been immunised, we will inform you as to whether or not you will need to keep your child from attending.
Emergency evacuation procedures
In the case of an unforeseen emergency situation, every effort will be made to contact parents to collect their child. KiwiLearners is fitted with safety devices such as an emergency escape ladder from the upstairs play rooms, fire extinguishers, hoses, and roof top access. Emergency evacuation plans are displayed in the reception area.
Regular emergency evacuation practice gives the children an opportunity to become familiar with the routine so as to reduce the stress of an actual event. Parents and visitors to the centre are asked to make themselves aware of the emergency procedures and plans, including where hoses, exits and first aid kits are located so that they can assist staff.
Vehicles must not park on Stillwater Court. Please advise drivers to park on Sunrise Avenue. Our security guard will provide direction for parking as necessary.